Recent Buddhist Economics press roundup!

Clair was featured in the Native Society:

Biggest Success?

A big accomplishment for me has been reaching out to and learning from people around the world, as we work together to stop selfish, materialistic forces from hurting people and the planet. Although we are in a dark period, many people are coming together to demand changes to heal the planet and care for people. I will continue to fight to keep the torch of meaningful, holistic economics alive and pushing forward.


Most Challenging Moment?

Being in a male-dominated field of economics is always a challenge. Female economists, from students to experienced faculty and practitioners, continue to face discrimination and sexist behavior. As women, we know to expect this, to fight against it, and to help each other. Although things are better today than forty years ago, we still have a long way to go to create a profession (and world) without race and gender bias.

Read more here.

Clair was also featured on an NHK (Japanese national news) segment about how the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the US’s inequalities.

Clair was on VOA Russian news.

Clair talked to BuddhistDoor Global.